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August 30, 2009



Oh wow, that really does look spectacular. My sister was in Seattle in May this year and she has been raving about the National Parks around there; she'd come to Seattle via the National Parks of Utah and Montana (places I have been to, too) and said that Seattle was just as beautiful. I'll get there... one day... sigh...


Hey Trish - Nice to hear from you!

There are bigger mountains in North America and (I daresay) more beautiful National Parks in the US, but few where I can drive from a major city with a hangover and still have that kind of experience all in one day :).


and you will of course ping us when you're in Seattle, yes? It would be great to meet "The Trishes" in person some day! We'll make sure you all have a grand time...


Wow, Mike, I didn't realize the Alps stretched 'way over here too. Thanks for posting -- gorgeous place, well captured.



thanks Josie! Will bring you guys down there next time!

Hope all's well. It sounds like the M&P are a-comin' to GA. Brace yerselves...

vakantiehuizen begur

Hiking "Mount Rainier National Park" is itself a great experience to have...Watching the beautiful landscapes,awesome views and the greenery will in-turn forces you to fell in love with this park..Author i visited the link you given here and found the pics great...

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