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February 01, 2009



That was great fun, thanks for organizing. Malcolm is a brave little swimmer. He's going to be a fish by the time you get back from Hawaii.


What a fun weekend! I gotta get back to Vancouver one of these days.
The last time I went there was with you for the Area One weekend. Turns out I was unknowingly pregnant with Charlie on that scotch-soaked weekend.
Are you still treating Canadian money like Monopoly money? I remember so clearly you always saying, "but it's Canadian!" whenever anyone indicated that something was expensive.


Exchange rate is 1.24 - 1.00 but our day will come. I never was very good at Monopoly.

Oddly enough, whiskey was involved this trip too: Eric's single malt that smelled like old socks versus my nice smooth Jameson's. Guess which one won?


So, you do know that Jameson's is the Protestant whisky and Tullemore Dew is the Catholic one? ;<)

Great shots, even with the phone camera, nephew -- how on earth did you download them?? I have hundreds on my phone and not a clue of how to get 'em off....


if there was an atheist whiskey I'd drink that one ;).

Thx for compliment on snaps Josie. The iPhone tethers to my computer and I can just grab and edit them that way...

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