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August 28, 2008



Oh Please Oh Please Oh Please Obama....

I was in New York City at the time of the last election, and saw the unbelievable result. I was with a group of expatriate Australians and a handful of locals (New Yorkers = Democrats) and we were all scratching our heads, wondering why oh why Americans would re-elect George W Bush. We couldn't get our heads around it. I almost can't bear to watch television or read DailyKos et al over the coming months, because I'm so worried about America, worried that they'll do it again.

Thanks for those links - brilliant stuff.


Hi Trish - I know how you feel. I still can't understand how *Reagan* got elected in 1980 and started the whole mess!

It will be a dramatic few months but I am hopeful.

Thanks for comments as ever - m

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