Apple has been taking the piss out of Microsoft/Vista this Christmas with this series of holiday ads:
In the ad, the PC guy (naturally, the middle-aged doofus in business attire, not the stubble-chinned twenty-something) changes the lyrics to "Twelve Days of Christmas" to something along the lines of "You should buy a PC not a Mac..." etc. while Santa and the emo-twentysomething look on, astonished.
Ha ha.
I've posted before on how irritating Apple ads are. They're also disingenuous: Vista is not as bad as Apple portrays it (I'm running Vista on 3 machines @ the moment) and OSX is not as great as they portray it either. [disclaimer: although I work for Microsoft, I love Apple hardware/industrial design and admire many features of OSX].
The funny thing is that they portray the PC guy as the 'agressor'... sneaking in snarky lines about the Mac into a Christmas song, but it's really Apple and this Apple ad that are going out of their way to take a whack at Windows and PCs. It's dishonest and passive-aggressive. Even with cutesy cartoon characters, they can scarcely contain their shrillness.
I hope it backfires on them, but Apple is trading at $200 per share today, so I doubt it.
So, Steve Jobs, allow me to flip you the proverbial bird as a holiday greeting, you self-satisfied twit. Ho ho ho.