the site for the new Simpsons Movie lets you create a 'Simpsons Avatar' of someone... fun! Here's our family:
let's see yours!
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the site for the new Simpsons Movie lets you create a 'Simpsons Avatar' of someone... fun! Here's our family:
let's see yours!
Posted at 01:10 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
I just installed Miro (formerly 'Democracy Player') "internet tv player" and it is a really, really nice bit of software. It caches clips and TV programs from around the web (including HiDef clips) using BitTorrent in a slick, easy-to-use interface reminiscent of iTunes and it uses RSS feeds to autoupdate content you care about. Within the first couple of hours we'd downloaded loads of interesting content from the BBC, National Geographic, PBS (Nova, Science Friday) as well as eclectic and high-quality kids' cartoons for Malcolm and classic animation like old Warner Bros. and Superman cartoons. It installs a bunch of codecs on initial install such as MPEG4 and DIVX so you can watch Apple-centric content and torrents. And it even lets you search, download and cache YouTube videos.
This is by far the most satisfying 'tv on the internet' tool I've tried. It is a scenario that I've been waiting for a long time.
The key to the experience is that it caches the content locally before viewing, which ensures that I get a decent experience. Even with a speedy DSL connection, I often get stutters and pauses in streaming content (the recent LiveEarth concerts being a particularly infuriating example), and our tv is tethered to the DSL router by a rather weak wifi transciever on another floor, so the connection speed is never very good. But with miro, it doesn't matter: it just takes slightly longer to get content, but once I have it, playback is fine.
The other key to the experience is that it is a rich client and not some cobbled up web or Ajax thing. It's much more elegant that what can be achieved using web pages, and if my net connection is down (or I'm on a plane with my laptop, or something) the player and content are all still there. To my mind this is precisely the division of labor that will make the 'net take off as a content platform: Use the internet as a transport and distribution mechanism but don't "dumb down" everything to work within a browser or over port 80.
The missing piece to this puzze will be some kind of paid subscription mechanism, maybe like iTunes where I can download and watch programs per episode. I suppose this could also mean some kind of DRM scheme, because without that, content owners won't place their wares on the 'net. That could be antithetical for Participatory Culture Foundation, the project owners, but in the meantime, this is a very interesting first step in the right direction.
Posted at 12:19 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
man that is 3 hangovers in 5 days... we've been saying 'goodbye' to friends since last Friday and I'm knackered.
It's always hard to move to another place and leave your friends behind. They make an emotional (and time) investment in you and vice-versa, and you kind of 'reset' that when you relocate to somewhere far away. You hope (and usually promise) to stay in touch but the reality is... it's hard to maintain relationships from a distance. But we did make some really nice friends here and I hope we can continue our relationships with them in some small way.
snaps are here.
Posted at 09:42 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
... happened today, 7/7/7, and we, appropriately if sadly we could only watch on the internet. It happened in Sydney, Tokyo, Johannesburg, Rio, Hamburg, New York, DC, Shanghai and London.
It was Al Gore's Live Earth concerts, a 24-hour marathon of music and awareness, an attempt to awaken a generation to the peril of global warming. An attempt to use popular music, the poetry of my generation that has no other poetry, an attempt to reach people emotionally where the avananche of facts, and figures, and testimony has failed to reach them.
It happened late. it could have, should have happened 20 years ago, when Gore was a freshman congressman pissing into the wind with his evidence to a deaf and indifferent congress. But it didn't.
So he's trying again. Really he's rallying two generations: mine, which has been in waiting since 'The Age of Reagan', and the current one, which is me-1.
I hope it helps. God knows we could use it. If it raises the bar even a little bit it is worth it.
"Whatever you do, don't exhale! We've had quite enough of that!" - Spinal Tap @ Wembley Arena :).
Posted at 11:48 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
... to our friends in the USA (although no one seems to call it 'Independence Day' anymore, just 'The Fourth' as in '4th of July').
Living abroad for ~3 years gave me lots of opportunity to think about what is good/bad about the US. When we left for DK I admit I was furious: With the citizens of the US for actually re-electing he-who-must-not-be-named, with our regressive politics and bellicose foreign policy, with our general lack of progress during my generation (stretching back to Reagan... I'll never understand how that guy got elected in the first place). I'm still super disappointed that the Bush Regime happened. But living abroad made me realize that there's a few things the US does better than anyone else in the world: Integrate immigrants, and create jobs.
The US is best at integrating immigrants for a few reasons:
This is quite different than most of Europe and the rest of the world where identity is based on your ethnicity or religion; even in France with their many immigrants, integration means accepting 'French-ness' in a way that is not required to live happily in the US.
And as far as jobs go, there's still no better place on earth to start a business (or have a good idea) than the US. For all the talk of 'silicon valleys' in Europe, or India or elsewhere, nobody has replicated the magic mix of ideas, capital and laws that favor taking risk that you find in, say, the actual Silicon Valley, or the 128 corridor in Mass. Microsoft, Google and Apple didn't happen by accident.
To be clear, I'm not one of the 'America First' crowd or even particularly patriotic, but Thomases Paine and Jefferson, those children of the Enlightenment, gave us some big advantages a few hundred years back that we still enjoy today. Obviously there are problems and things we could learn from other nations (like from our cousins in Europe... thank you Michael Moore) but by most measures (health & longevity, education, environment etc) it is a very succesful society.
[I was prompted to write this after reading the following article in The Economist, reprinted below in case of link rot.]
American power
Still No.1
Jun 28th 2007
From The Economist print edition
Kevin Kallaugher
Wounded, tetchy and less effective than it should be, America is still the power that counts
EVEN the greatest empires hurt when they lose wars. It is not surprising then that Iraq weighs so heavily on the American psyche. Most Americans want to get out as soon as possible, surge or no surge; many more wish they had never invaded the country in the first place. But for a growing number of Americans the superpower's inability to impose its will on Mesopotamia is symptomatic of a deeper malaise.
Nearly six years after September 11th, nervousness about the state of America's “hard power” is growing (see article). Iraq and Afghanistan (another far-off place where the United States, short of troops and allies, may be losing a war) have stretched the Pentagon's resources. An army designed to have 17 brigades on active deployment now has 25 in the field. Despite bringing in reservists and the National Guard, many American troops spend more than half their time on active duty; the British spend a fifth.
Other demons are jangling America's nerves. There is the emergence of China as a rival embryonic superpower, with an economy that may soon be bigger than America's (at least in terms of purchasing power); the re-emergence of a bellicose, gas-fired Russia; North Korea's defiance of Uncle Sam by going nuclear, and Iran's determination to follow suit; Europe's lack of enthusiasm for George Bush's war on terror; the Arabs' dismissal of his democratisation project; the Chávez-led resistance to Yankee capitalism in America's backyard.
Nor is it just a matter of geopolitics. American bankers are worried that other financial centres are gaining at Wall Street's expense. Nativists fret about America's inability to secure its own borders. As for soft power, Abu Ghraib, Guantánamo Bay, America's slowness to tackle climate change and its neglect of the Palestinians have all, rightly or wrongly, cost it dearly. Polls show that ever fewer foreigners trust America, and some even find China's totalitarians less dangerous.
A sense of waning power is not just bad for the self-esteem of Americans. It is already having dangerous consequences. Inside the United States, “China-bashing” has become a defensive strategy for both the left and the right. Isolationism is also on the rise. Most Democrats already favour an America that “minds its own business”.
Outside America, the consequences could be even graver. Iran's Islamic revolutionaries and Russia's Vladimir Putin have both bet in different ways that a bruised Uncle Sam will not be able to constrain them. Meanwhile, a vicious circle of no confidence threatens the Western alliance: if Italy, for instance, concludes that a weakened America will not last the course in Afghanistan, then it will commit even fewer troops to the already undermanned NATO force there—which in turn prompts more Americans to question the project.
Yet America is being underestimated. Friends and enemies have mistaken the short-term failure of the Bush administration for deeper weakness. Neither American hard nor soft power is fading. Rather, they are not being used as well as they could be. The opportunity is greater than the threat.
It is hard to deny that America looks weaker than it did in 2000. But is that really due to a tectonic shift or to the errors of a single administration? Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld reversed the wise Rooseveltian doctrine, “Speak softly and carry a big stick”. After September 11th the White House talked up American power to an extraordinary degree. In that brief period of “shock and awe” when Americans were from Mars, their Venutian allies were lucky to get invited to the show (indeed, in Afghanistan some “old” Europeans were initially turned away). Meanwhile, Mr Bush declared a “war on terror”, rather than just on al-Qaeda, broadening the front to unmanageable dimensions (and paving the way for Guantánamo).
While the talk was loud, the stick was spindly. Defying his generals, Mr Rumsfeld sent too few troops to Iraq to pacify the country. Disbanding the Iraqi army compounded the error. Regardless of whether Iraq was ever winnable, it is hard to imagine any future American administrations making such schoolboy howlers when it comes to regime change.
Yet in one way Mr Bush is unfairly maligned. Contrary to the Democratic version of history, America did not enjoy untrammelled influence abroad before he arrived. The country that won the cold war also endured several grievous reverses, notably Vietnam (where 58,000 Americans were killed—16 times the figure for Iraq). Iran has been defying America since Jimmy Carter's presidency, and North Korea for a generation before that. As for soft power, France has been complaining about Coca-Cola and Hollywood for nearly a century.
From this perspective of relative rather than absolute supremacy, a superpower's strength lies as much in what it can prevent from happening as in what it can achieve. Even today, America's “negative power” is considerable. Very little of any note can happen without at least its acquiescence. Iran and North Korea can defy the Great Satan, but only America can offer the recognition the proliferating regimes crave. In all sorts of areas—be it the fight against global warming or the quest for an Arab-Israeli peace—America is quite simply indispensable.
That is because America still has the most hard power. Its volunteer army is indeed stretched: it could not fight another small war of choice. But it can still muster 1.5m people under arms and a defence budget almost as big as the whole of the rest of the world's. And it could call on so much more: in relation to the country's size, its defence budget and army are quite small by historical standards. Better diplomacy would enhance its power. One irony of the “war on terror” is that Mr Bush's hyperventilation worked against him in terms of getting boots on the ground: neither his own countrymen nor his allies were sure enough that they were really under threat. (And why should they be? An American-led West spent four decades tussling with a nuclear-armed empire that stretched from Berlin to Vladivostok; al-Qaeda is still small beer.)
The surveys that show America's soft power to be less respected than it used to be also show the continuing universal appeal of its values—especially freedom and openness. Even the immigrants and foreign goods that so worry some Americans are tributes to that appeal (by contrast, the last empire to build a wall on its border, the Soviet one, was trying to keep its subjects in). Nor is it an accident that anti-Americanism has fed off those instances, such as Guantánamo Bay, where America has seemed most un-American. This is the multiplier effect that Mr Bush missed: win the battle for hearts and minds and you do not need as much hard power to get your way.
That lesson is worth bearing in mind when it comes to the challenge of China. China is likely to be more and more in America's face, whether buying American firms, winning Olympic gold or blasting missiles into space. Merely by growing, China is disrupting the politics of the Pacific. But that does not mean that it is automatically on track to overtake America. Its politics are fragile (see article) and America's lead is immense. Moreover, economics is not a zero-sum game: so far, a bigger China has helped to enrich America. An America that stays open to China—an America that sticks to American values—is much more likely to help fashion the China it wants.
If America were a stock, it would be a “buy”: an undervalued market leader, in need of new management. But that points to its last great strength. More than any rival, America corrects itself. Under pressure from voters, Mr Bush has already rediscovered some of the charms of multilateralism; he is talking about climate change; a Middle East peace initiative is possible. Next year's presidential election offers a chance for renewal. Such corrections are not automatic: something (a misadventure in Iran?) may yet compound the misery of Iraq in the same way Watergate followed Vietnam. But America recovered from the 1970s. It will bounce back stronger again.
Posted at 03:35 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
The TED (Technology, Education, Design) Foundation is a wellspring of intellectually stimulating material. Every year they hold a conference ('The TED Conference', natch) where various polymaths hold forth on... well, many things. And you can view all the talks online!
Link (via Boing Boing):
Posted at 06:04 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
ahh... it is one of those perfect summer afternoons. After a morning of yard work trimming hedges, mowing grass and, erm, disposing of a rather large dead bird from under the hedge (ewww), we got a few hours' relaxation as the sun broke out. It's what would have been a perfect English summer day, say thirty years ago back when the English had something other than alternating rain versus stifling heat all summer long. 'Cept now it occurs at 55 degress N. Latitude here in Copenhagen.
Susan and I are kicking back on the terrace with a couple of gin and tonics, listening to Amy Winehouse's Back to Black as Malcolm delights in his Splash Rocket Sprinkler, a rather ingenious and inexpensive Chinese import to keep the kids cool, wet and happy on a summer's day
Amy Winehouse is very interesting: a 23 year-old, Jewish Londoner who sings and swings like it's Ju-Ly on the South Side... good god, where did she get those chops as a singer? Her voice is somewhere between Shirley Bassey and Lauryn Hill, without a trace of self-consciousness or modern instrumentation. It's like a particularly tasty slice of my music collection, between old-school soul and tasty ska circa 1964. Could she be any cooler? I think not.
I raise a glass to her. Happy Canada Day, y'all.
Posted at 07:38 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)