since Malcolm's birthday was actually on Sunday, his birthday party was Wednesday.
as always, all the kids come over from the børnehave for the party and sing the danish birthday song at the door when they arrive
it was rainy but fun, with lots of wild play (mostly indoors unfortunately) some music, a nice lunch, more cake and singing of songs and them home
he'll miss his classmates (esp his teachers Marianne and Flemming and best mate Patrick) - here's a few of them
this was the 3rd and last birthday for Malcom here in DK, so bittersweet knowing that we're leaving. But "what a great party!" he exclaimed when the kids had left. That's just the way I want him to remember it.
snaps are here.
Hey Malcom and Family,
Happy Birthday, and looking forwar to celebrating some future birthdays with you back here! Elizabeth and Alan
Posted by: elizabeth | June 29, 2007 at 04:57 PM