Forgot to post @ Christmas – How embarrassing. We had a nice Christmas this year. I did miss the fact that we didn’t spend Christmas with family, but it was still relaxing and enjoyable.
We had a nice julefrokost with friends on the 17th and with Steve, Sarah, Zoe and Kai on Christmas Eve:
They’re heading back to Seattle, alas. We’ll miss them but hopefully we’ll see them again in Seattle sometime soon – godt rejse!
It was Malcolm’s first Christmas where he grokked the whole Christmas/Santa thingy. He was so excited about the whole thing he could scarcely contain himself!
As you can see there is a spiderman theme going on and still stuff about guns and such. That alarmed us a bit at first… it is highly-ironic, given that we’re such typical, anti-gun liberals, but c’mon: He’s a 3 year-old boy. What interest him is what interests most 3 year-old boys: power. That means cars, guns, super-heroes (he’s since moved on from spiderman to Sky Captain) and the like.
He’s also keenly interested in ‘good guys versus bad guys’ and right versus wrong in general. I assume it is because he is figuring out his place in the world and society, the rules, who is a friend vs. who is a threat, and so forth. I also assume that this is all completely normal, esp. for boys as these things (superheroes, cars,guns) are perenially popular with young boys and have been for ages.
That’s a lot of assumptions, but since we only have one kid, we have to guess what is going on most of the time .
Christmas snaps are here.